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Russia may be preparing trap for Ukrainian army in Kherson region: Official

Russia may be preparing trap for Ukrainian army in Kherson region: Official

Russians are trying to convince us that they are 'leaving' but we see objective data, says spokesperson for Ukraine's southern military command


By Anadolu Agency 


ISTANBUL/ODESA, Ukraine (AA) - Russian forces may be preparing a trap for the Ukrainian army in the southern Kherson region, a Ukrainian military official said on Tuesday, as major evacuations of civilians and some military units continue in the Russian-controlled region of Ukraine.

"They are trying to create a certain impression by using fake information. They are trying to give the impression that they are leaving from here.

"There is an opinion that they are trying to trap and deceive us. That's why it may mean that they are trying to trap the Ukrainian army in the region," Natalia Humeniuk, a spokesperson for Ukraine's southern military command, told Anadolu Agency.

Humeniuk said that they are actively following the movement of Russian forces in the region and, in return, they "calculate their plans and understand their intentions, and carefully check the information received."

"Firing ranges and defense lines on the left bank of the Dnipro River are already equipped with weapons. They are trying to find a solution there, because they know they cannot hold on to the right," she further said.

The spokeswoman also claimed that Russia pretended to withdraw its troops from some points in the Kherson region, but deployed its important troops there, asserting that these were efforts to prepare Kherson for a city war.

Separately, Humeniuk evaluated the counter-attack of the Ukrainian army in Kherson, saying that "40 to 80% of the settlements we liberated have been destroyed," making local settlements impossible to live in.

In addition, Ukraine regained the control of more than 90 settlements in Kherson by end-October, she said, adding that the recaptured areas were under Russian bombardment, and gas and electricity services have not been provided yet.

"People want to return to their homelands as soon as possible, but this is not a recommended solution. Stay evacuated if you can, wait for the winter to pass, it will be possible to return when there is no bombardment," Humeniuk said.

On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Kherson is located too close to the combat zone and the civilians were asked to leave the area to avoid casualties.

He also said the Russian authorities are working to facilitate the procedure of issuing documents to the Ukrainian refugees fleeing to Russia.

"We are currently making decisions that will make it possible to receive these documents in a simplified manner. And we will improve these tools. We will definitely work on it," he said.

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